21 Day Belly Blast Program


Are you looking to lose 5-12 lbs.

in the next 3 weeks?

If so, you will

not want to miss out on

this October Special!

21 day belly blast

21-Day Belly Blast Group Training!

Who ELSE wants to lose 7-15 pounds in just 21 days….GUARANTEED!?


In fact, not only will you LOSE FAT, but this program is:

  1. Designed to re-train your body to OPTIMIZE YOUR METABOLISM
  4. And…is a 100% STRUCTURED MEAL PLAN, so you will KNOW EXACTLY WHAT TO DO, and WHEN to do it! 

belly fat pic

In FACT, for our average campers…

Women will LOSE 7-13 lbs

& Men will LOSE 10-15 lb

We’ve been testing and fine-tuning this program for years, and are absolutely THRILLED with the results.

The best part about it is…. it’s ONLY for 3 weeks!!  

And EVERYONE can do something for just 3 weeks, RIGHT!?!


Here Are Some of the Highlights…

  1. Calorie Confusion – you all know about “muscle confusion” thanks to P90X, so it makes sense why calorie confusion would work too.
  2. Fat Burning Workouts – designed to kick-start your metabolism, improve flexibility, strength, and energy levels
  3. Carb Cycling – Learn to eat the right carbs at the right time! Carbs are not the enemy, the time you eat them is.
  4. Phase One: Detox for the first 72 hours – this is the most challenging part, but once you are through it, you are Home FREE!  This stage is designed to detoxify the toxins out of the bodies to create a more efficient, fat-burning machine!
  5. Calculating Your Water Intake – keeping hydrated is an important key to success. This will help you to feel fuller longer, so you will eat less!
  6. Cheat/Treat Meals – there’s always a HIGHER success rate when people know they can still have some of the foods they love. You’ll learn how to plan for the extra calories and STILL stay on track!
  7. Quick & Easy Healthy Recipes – to use if you don’t have a lot of time or don’t have cooking skills (like me)
  8. Quality Protein Powders & Protein Bars Suggestions– for on-the-go quick meals with less fillers and less artificial chemicals.
  9. Small Frequent Meals – to keep your energy up and combat binge eating! You will feel like they are eating ALL of the time!
  10. 90/10 Rule – Eat well 90% of the time and eat with no guilt 10% of the time. Anyone can do this and this program!

So….Are you READY to join our 21-day group training?

We’ll give you ALL the tools you need to succeed, but YOU need to take action!

This Challenge will take some dedication on your part… but we guarantee you will see results!

Most people don’t accomplish their goals because they don’t have a plan!

Well, here’s your chance to have it all “mapped” out for you.

You don’t have to think, JUST DO IT!

WARNING: This challenge is designed ONLY for people who are ready to commit for 21 days.


Here’s What the Belly Blast Program Includes:

 21-Day Belly Blast Meal Plan (first 3-days are Detox)

3 Boot Camp Workouts per week x 3 weeks at Better Body Fitness NW

Complete Before & After Measurements (and photos!)

TONS of Healthy Recipes

A Print-and-Go Grocery List

Fitness & Workout Tips

DAILY Motivation & Accountability

Need we say more?

Every Meal is Done-for-you.  (It even includes cheat meals.)

Yes, you can have a cheat meal!  This program will tell you the best time to have them.

Every workout is targeted to achieve maximum fat loss.

Get Healthy Recipes using the RIGHT ingredients and foods!

Motivation from us to keep you on track – accountability is KEY!

Stop jumping from diet to diet. We will show you what works.

Only $97 for new participants (Normally $298)

For current Better Body Fitness NW Clients/ Boot Campers add on Eating Plan and one extra Boot Camp workout per week x 3 weeks for only $29

21 Day Belly Blast Eating Plan + Boot Camp Work Outs only $97 (Non clients/Campers)

Call 503-657-3814 or shoot me an email at [email protected] to say you are into reserve your spot today! Limited to the first 30 people

Program starts October 14th so sign up today, then call your buddy to do it with you!

This Program is pretty simple and very straight forward. You to can succeed just like other clients that have followed this program.

Sign up below now and receive your Belly Blast Nutrition Guide electronically today.


New Participants click below


Current Clients/Boot Campers Click below


In good health,

Justin LaPointe

Better Body Fitness NW

