“In Just 90 Days From Today You CAN Completely Transform Your Body, Fit Into Your Favorite “Skinny Jeans”, Tone Your Stomach, Hips And Thighs, And Feel Amazing When You Step Out Of Your Shower And See Yourself In The Mirror?
This #1 Clackamas County Personal Training Team And Over 1253 Local Residence Say You Can Do It With My Break Through Better Body Ultimate Fat Burning Workout!…
And I’m Gonna Give You One Free No Risk Kick Start Training Session To Prove It To You!
Dear Friend,
My Name is Angie LaPointe and I’m going to get totally honest with you.
Despite what the fitness industry tries to mislead you to think, to get in the best shape of your life…
* You don’t have to be on a strict diet.
* You don’t have to live on boring cardio machines
* You don’t have to be born with perfect genetics
It’s a big fat lie.
And the reason I know is because before my Better Body Rapid Fat Loss Workout existed, I was training personal training clients in the big gyms in town and was following the typical personal training protocal they made us follow. I had tried everything with my clients,lifting weights, cardio, weight loss programs, pills powders – nothing seemed to work.
What I found was that my clients struggled to get results with these programs that I was forced to use with them. I was frustrated with the results my clients were getting and I started using my clients as my own test subjects so I could create the ultimate fat burning, body toning, andcore flattening program around.
Many hundreds of hours later of studying and applying different methods, I stumbled upon what is now the Better Body Rapid Fat Loss Workout. The great thing is now you have access to my program and the chance to change your body like the others my staff and I have trained.
Meanwhile I tried everything,
But that was all before I stumbled upon my amazing Better Body Rapid Fat Loss Workout.
– A new break-through workout system so effective, yet so simple, anyone can do it… Including you.
In fact, I’m so confident that you’re going to quickly tone up, get in shape and feel incredible in just one week, that I’m gonna let you try it for 30-days money back guarantee.
To start your Free Kick Start Training Session, just scroll past all the testimonials and call the number below or click on the Free Trial Button.
Angelica R. lost pounds, inches and gained confidence
Call Now (503) 657-3814 To Try The Better Body Rapid Fat Loss Workout For 30-Day MoneyBack Guarantee or click below.
Before After
Ryan H. went from 340 lbs to 170 lbs
Before After
Marcia W.
Before After
Jenny E.
Seriously・Aren’t You so tired of struggling with
Diets that are impossible to stick to (especially when you have kids)
Trying to squeeze into your skinny jeans, Pounds and inches creeping on each month
Feeling embarrased to be seen in a swimsuit
Feeling like you’re busy schedule is keeping you from being fit and feeling good daily
stress causing your fat storage hormones to spike out of control (It’s not your fault)
Call Now (503) 657-3814 or click below To get your Free Kick Start Training Session
Kick strict diets to the curb, simply follow our loose guidelines to shrink your hips and flatten your belly and then our Better Body Rapid fat Loss Workout will take care of the rest.
We’ll show you how you can neutralize your stress hormones so you can lose fat in your sleep, especially in your trouble areas.
The Better Body Rapid Fat Loss Workout fuses cardio, weights and core exercises all into one workout. You’ll spend way less time by burning fat, toning muscle and getting a flat stomach all at once.
When you work with one of my professional fitness coaches you’ll never be bored or plateau because you’ll never do the same workout twice. Get ready to walk around feeling amazing in your “skinny” jeans.
So now that you know what our little fitness secret is, I’m going to make you an irresistible offer to get fit today.
Not only am I so confident that you will love and rave about my Better Body Rapid fat Loss Workout that I’m going to let you try out our kick start training session today...
But I’m also going to give you my unconditional, no questions asked, get results or don’t pay 30 day money back guarantee.
Call (503)657-3814 or click below to schedule an appointment to come in and start your free kick start training session of my Better Body Rapid Fat Loss Workout.
You’ve already done the hard part by making a decision to take your body to the next level and finding this website.
We all know what’s gonna happen if you procrastinate any longer right?
30 days from now your just going to be one month older and even farther away from how you really want to look and feel.
However, it’s really not your fault.
The multi-billion dollar food industry is shoving addictive, fat packing food down your throat.
Even the “healthy” and “fat free” foods are a just one big fat lie.
Now’s your chance to take a stand, and once in for all be able to look in the mirror and love the healthy body you see.
I’m not talking about looking like an anorexic model… Just lean, toned and most importantly… healthy.
But fair warning, because of the amazing results our clients get with my Better Body Rapid Fat Loss Workout, we are in high demand, and space is limited.
So once we’re full, we wont be able to take on any more clients, even if we wanted to.
So don’t wait and miss out.
Call Now (503) 657-3814 or click below for your Free Kick Start Training Session
Are You Ready To Make A Change Like All The People You Just Read About?
Yes! I’m ready to quit impossible diets!
Yes! I’m ready to fit into my “skinny” jeans!
Yes! I’m ready to “Shut Down” my fat hormones!
Yes! I’m ready for new and exciting workouts!
Yes! I’m ready for results in 30 days or my money back!
Yes! I’m ready to get pushed and motivated!
Yes Angie! I’m ready for you to prove that I can see a difference!
Your Friend,
Angie LaPointe
Better Body Fitness NW
(503) 657-3814
Serving Oregon City, West Linn, Canby, Lake Oswego, Gladstone, Clackamas, Milwaukie, Molalla, Tualatin, SE Portland
P.S. Repeat this out loud, “I am not going to let the next six months be the same as the last six months.”
In other words, whether you decide to take me up on a risk free trial of my Better Body Rapid Fat Loss Workout out or not… Take action today, and get started on a fitness program somewhere.
Here’s the number
Just Call 503-657-3814 or click on the yellow buttons above
Clackamas County Personal Trainers
Oregon City-West Linn-Canby-Lake Oswego-Gladstone-Clackamas-Milwaukie-Molalla-Tualatin-SE Portland